Technically the title should be Confessions of an expert ox shoe finder. Ox is singular, oxen is plural. I know that, but I like the way oxen shoe sounds over ox shoe, so if you’ve got a problem with that already, don’t continue, but if you can deal, then read on…
Category: Humor
Metal Detecting Miscellany: Volume 1
Bears Bears Bears!!!
After a decade of trapsing around in the woods of New England, I finally saw my first Bear(s). I was hunting a spot up in Kent, CT with my friend Kevin D. Kevin went to go hunt down in the meadow, and I decided not to because it was too sunny. When he came back to the top of the meadow, we were talking, and he suddenly says “Hey, whats that? Is that a bear?” I looked down into the meadow, and sure enough it was a bear, not only that, but about 5 seconds later, another bear climbed down from a small tree right next to it. Kevin had just been detecting the area minutes before that. I don’t know that they would have bothered him, but still a little scary to see a bear (or two) at any time. They weren’t cubs, but they were young.
We decided it was best to move on, but Kevin was so nice to point out that he did not have to run faster than the bears, just faster than me–thanks Kev.
Girls Topless Metal Detecting
So I’m thinking what to write about for my next post, and annoyed because I had a list of topics in my head, but forgot them. I do this a lot, and a friend told me a few days ago that I should write it all down. “Yeah, I will” was my response… and I didn’t. So… this post will be about my cool Miniature Schnauzer, “Abby”.
Abby is sleeping right now, she does that a lot, in between being lovable and adorable. She gets very excited when she sees me get my detector out, because sometimes I take her with me. I like to pretend she likes detecting, but deep down I know she just really likes to be outside.
Okay, kidding aside, on to the real stuff, and it’s not that Abby isn’t worth a post, she’s the best, but she just doesn’t share my passion for the hobby. Sorry Abby.
Smashing Pumpkins: A Coin Bonanza in the Pumpkin Patch!
A good friend and detecting buddy of mine, JoJo, was kind enough to share the story of his most epic detecting day ever. Thank you for sharing JoJo.
By JoJo Lantiegne
I received an invite to go hunt some pumpkin fields from Matt, a fellow member of my metal detecting club, The Yankee Territory Coinshooters out of Wethersfield, CT. I had hunted with him the week prior with much success, but that was nothing compared to what we were to find this time out.
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Social Media, Tank Tops & Unicorns:
I’ve been approached by many people complimenting me on my blog, and what I hear most often is “more hunt stories please, more hunt stories“. I’m always surprised and flattered by this, because if you log onto social media these days, you’d likely be convinced that all people care about is seeing photos of finds or links to YouTube videos.
But I have my niche. Despite all the hoopla on social media, the constant barrage of videos, and “lookie what I found” posts, there are still some folks out there who remember what the hobby was before Facebook & YouTube… in the days before reading became passé.
Is your Significant Other also your Detecting Partner?
Out of the archives comes some more metal detecting humor that you may (or may not) be able to relate to–enjoy!
Is your significant other also your detecting partner? Do you know what he or she is thinking?
Here are some examples; some drawn from experience, some from humor, of gender differences in the hobby and what your partner could or might be thinking or doing …
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Those of you who know me, or are regular readers of my blog, are aware of my fondness for Oxen Shoes.
This fondness was not derived out of a genetic predisposition toward the objects, it was born out of necessity, due to my uncanny ability to locate every oxen shoe within a 300 foot radius at every site I hunt (and yes, my parents are very proud).
My Oxen Shoe Museum–Dream or Reality?
I’ve had a lot of offers on my Oxen shoe collection since posting a photo of it on my Facebook page; and since there is so much interest in acquiring these rare and valuable items, I have decided to actually go through with my plans for opening the first Oxen Shoe Museum (pending funding).
Awkward Moments in Metal Detecting
Awkward Moments in Metal Detecting:
*That awkward moment when you’re trying to explain to a non-detectorist why you detect.
*That awkward moment when you’re showing the awesome stuff you just found to your buddy, and you realize they got skunked.
The ABC’s of Metal Detecting
Here’s a bit of metal detecting humor to start off your week. I’m sure some of you can relate–Happy Hunting!
The ABC’s of Metal Detecting:
A-is for Annoying, as in those folks who come up to you on the beach and say “If you find a gold ring, I lost it”, followed by smug laughter. Oh gosh–we’ve never heard that one before–Comedy Central is on our speed dial, just for you.
Advice for Detecting Widows? Guys, your wives may like this.
Are you a Detecting Widow? Does your man disappear for hours only to return with a sack full of pull tabs, bottle caps, dirty coins, rusty thingies, or perhaps lead bullets, silver or gold? After barely saying hello, does he race to clean his treasures, tag & bag his finds, or photograph them for sharing…
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